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DTI Score: 91.76/100 🔀🗳️🏦 🏛️🟢 💰🟡 💻🟢 ✉️🟢+25

Detailed Evaluation

1. Governance Transparency: 3/3

2. Decision Making Transparency: 3/3

3. Economic Transparency: 2/4

4. Economic Accessibility: 2/4

Board Response and Updated Evaluation

The openSUSE board was contacted for clarification on the project's economic transparency. Doug, a board member, provided a comprehensive response, leading to a re-evaluation of certain aspects:

Previous Economic Evaluation:

  • Economic Transparency: 0/4
  • Economic Accessibility: 0/4
  • Overall Economic Score: 🔴 (Red)

Updated Economic Evaluation:

  • Economic Transparency: 2/4
  • Economic Accessibility: 2/4
  • Overall Economic Score: 🟡 (Yellow)

The improvement reflects our better understanding of openSUSE's unique economic structure, based on the board's explanation:

  • The project operates primarily through contributions and donations of equipment, services, and support.
  • Traditional financial reports are not applicable due to this structure.
  • Information on sponsors is publicly available.
  • The Geeko Foundation now provides a mechanism for managing certain funds.

While detailed financial reports are not available, this is due to the nature of the project rather than a lack of transparency. The board's willingness to provide a detailed explanation has positively impacted the evaluation.

5. Source Code Accessibility: 4/4

6. Public Roadmap Availability: 2/3

7. Transparency in Code Review Processes: 3/3

8. Community Participation in Development: 4/4

9. Impact of Governance Structure on Transparency: 4/6

10. Responsiveness to Transparency Requests: 25/25

Additional Information

The openSUSE project operates on a unique model based on contributions and donations of equipment, services, and support. Key points:

For more information on sponsors and the Geeko Foundation, visit:

Concluding Analysis

openSUSE demonstrates a high level of transparency in most areas, with some unique characteristics in its economic structure:

The score of 91.76/100 reflects openSUSE's strong commitment to transparency in most areas, while acknowledging the unique challenges posed by its funding and support model. The project's responsiveness and detailed explanation of its structure have significantly contributed to this high score.

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